Dream daddy a dad dating simulator twitter
Dream daddy a dad dating simulator twitter

dream daddy a dad dating simulator twitter dream daddy a dad dating simulator twitter

Once you dive in though, it does have a decent little story within. Are you ready? Hi ready, I’m Dad.” Straight from the get-go the developers let you know that this game will be a dad pun simulator as much as it’s a daddy dating simulator, and I’m 100% okay with that. I’m not usually one to just copy and paste a games synopsis, but this one is too good to pass up: “ Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator is a game where you play as a Dad and your goal is to meet and romance other hot Dads. What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1… yeah, let’s hop in. It’s by no means a good “game,” but I’m a sucker for the amazingly cheesy dad jokes that are littered throughout this short dating sim. At this point you’re probably asking yourself “why is he reviewing this? Why this late?” The answers to that are some very persistent friends, a copy gifted to me, and an agreement that I write a review about it. I remember when Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator was first released on Steam and the overwhelming praise for the game, but it was never anything I would have cared to play. The visual novel genre is definitely a style that never grabbed my interest for various reasons, but I would have never guessed in a million years that my first foray into the genre would be a game about dating daddies.

Dream daddy a dad dating simulator twitter